✨ Illustration Guideline
The documentation which is the guideline of the illustration design for Bitkub V.2. It helps the illustrator in our team to create similar illustration and within the illustration guideline. The benefit of this feature is to make the customers feel and percieve in the same way.
Styleguide for Create Illustration
Without the guideline, the illustrationcan be different regarding each individual style which instead should be align together for the same product. Further more, from the Competitors research, the results present that the consistency between each illustration generate the credibility more than those without it. So, the cleared guideline was brought up to the team.
Tier of Illustation
Each types of illustration can be factors that affect the user experience in terms of ease of use, time consumption, and product reliability from the style and choice of color of illustration. These illustration, that has been through every bit of Visual designer's thoughts, can be divided into 4 types;
UI Icon
UI Icon is the set of icon that use with Quick Access Menu on both Website and Application It's purpose is to communicate fast and clear about the features of the menu. The presentation of the icon comes along with it's definition and has 2 color modes which are dark and light theme.
Illustrated Icon
Illustration Icon, that has been designed to be less than 3 components, is being presented by the key word to communicate with the user such as the verification from SEC which include the document and the badge of verification. The presentation of the icon has 2 color modes which are dark and light theme.
Spot Illustration
Spot Illustration is the small to medium illustration scale which will present the purpose through the story in the picture combined with the UI wording for the user to understand the keyword that we want to communicate.
Hero Illustration
Hero Illustration is the large scale of illustration that consume more than half of the user screen to present. It's purpose is to gain user's attention and display the key message that has more complexity on it.
Styleguide for Create Illustration
Not only the illustration, we need to generate the concept, the usage and the explanation for other designers usage as well. The Style Guideline consist of Illustration Principles, Type of Illustration, The Psychology of Colors, Illustration Organize and Development.
Usability Testing
After the illustration are completed, we launched the usability testing to checked whether they can achieve the same goal that we want the user to think or perceive or not. The illustration of Bitkub V.2 is being created for the user to perceive innovative, Servant Platform, Reliable, Leader, Bold and Smart, which the result is satisfied and can be applied on the real platform.